Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Little Christmas & a Little 5 Year Old!!

Alyvia's 5th Birthday was a lot of fun this year. We had all our family over for home made Krispy Creme doughnuts on Thursday and on Saturday we had her first little girl-friend party! Hello Kitty was the star of the show. I hope the girls had as much fun as I had planning it. Alyvia had both of her Grandmas there to help and I think it went really well. I hope at least we made a good memory for Alyvia.
Here are just a few things we love about Alyvia--
*She's always singing something!(Loves Tavosi)
*She's super dooper smart (too smart sometimes)
*She's a great helper with Camdyn (Maybe she can start babysitting next year)
*She's excited about what she's learning in Primary and in Family Home Evening.
*She's the BEST at going to bed. (Always been good at this from day one)
*She's always making a gift for someone!
*She just flat out makes us laugh.
The other day my mom came and kept the kids for us one evening. Grandma said the she'd better get on the road before she gets too sleepy. Alyvia, as seriouse as could be saic, "Grandma, you're totally welcome to stay in that extra bed."
*Always thinking about someone else.

This Christmas we changed things up a bit. We headed down to Salt Lake to spend Christmas with Brady's Aunt Alyson. We missed our families, but had a blast at the same time. We enjoyed the lights on temple square on Christmas Eve with Grandpa Harding, Alyson, and Brady's Uncle Gary and his family. It was so awesome to enjoy a cozy fireplace on Christmas Eve. We made crazy goodies with Al and a super cute gingerbread house. I think our kids will remember this Christmas for a long time, I know Brady and I will. Thanks Alyson for some more super great memories.

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